Evie Fatz
Fitness & Health • Food • Lifestyle • Politics
Veracity and character rule this space! All authentic truth seekers are welcome. Trolls are bounced. Comment, share, engage and avoid the time suckers on social media. Let's have some fun, refute BS and become better humans together.
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10 "Healthy Foods" that Aren't Quite So Healthy
Only for Subscribers
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Exclusive Release Daily Truth Inspirational Video

Your happiness is not a gift given to you by others.

April 28, 2022

Create a mantra for your life. If you aren't writing your story, someone else is writing it for you.

Listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/eml-radio-talking-truth/id1498113483?i=1000558947971

April 24, 2022
Daily Truth Exclusive Release!

Today isn't a dress rehearsal.
The latest daily truth inspirational video compilation is here, pre-leased for my peeps on Locals!


February 13, 2023
LAST CALL! Converting to Substack

Hello my friends!
I'm finishing up the transition away from Locals onto Substack and wanted to be sure each of you have made the necessary adjustments to your accounts. For those of you who have remaining months left on your paid support here, I have comped you the balance over at Substack.
This will be the final week I post content here.
I will resume the live recordings over there, starting with our first call on Friday, March 3rd at 9am/12pm. Invitations to join the Zoom calls will go out on Substack. Mark your calendars!

Also, be sure to download the Substack App! I love the app and find it so helpful in organizing content I want to read later by keeping it on my dashboard.

See you on the other side!

January 24, 2023
Get a sneak peek at my book!

One of the biggest challenges in writing my book is not being able to share any of it along the way. Given my narcissistic need for constant approval and attention, not having any feedback is killing me. Even negative attention is better than no attention at all (which explains a lot of my behavior in life), so not only am I missing the praise but I also miss my haters.
I need to break out of this cave. Thanks to Chuck Palahniuk who writes Spoiler Alert on Substack, but you would know as the author of Fight Club, I got the idea to share some excerpts and things that won’t make the final edit. This will give us both what we need. I get some attention and you get some thought provoking words to make you think (and possibly laugh, cry or both.)
Today’s snippet is from the first draft of a chapter titled, Remove Your Kindergarten Name Tag. I am currently on my third revision and we can all be thankful for this. As I walk my readers through the dark hallways of my earliest years, and attempt ...

January 16, 2023
Worth a quick watch

Wanted to pass this short video along. We think of health in very limited ways. Faith, nature, love, communality, shared human experience…all prove to be just as necessary, if not more so, than going to the gym.
I’ve always viewed and taught health from this perspective. It is my belief the lack of these essential elements is as big an issue in our culture as poor diet and lack of movement.
The takeaway-we can do better🙏🏼

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